Sunday, March 14, 2021

Spring Market (already)

 Our spring residential real estate market has started early and continues strong.  Single family homes added 174 listings in the last 14-day reporting period; 53% higher than the same 2-week period in 2020.  Compared to the previous 14-day period single family homes new listings went from 141 to 174, a 25% increase.

Condos/TICs saw an increase compared to the same 14-day period last year of 73% from 172 to 308.  Our prior 14-day period saw a very slight decrease from 311 to 308, a 3% decrease.

As of 3/10/2021 there was approximately 12 weeks of available inventory for condos/TICs and there are 109 in the “coming soon” category.

The average selling price for the five configurations we survey each month shows that 2 bedroom, 1 bath and 3 bedroom, 2 bath single family homes saw an increase in average selling price of 15% for the 2/1s and 3% for 3/2s compared to the previous month.

1/1 and 2/1 condos/TICs each saw an 8% increase in average sales price while 2/2 condos/TICs saw a 2% decrease compared to the prior month.

We also analyze residential sales by price range.  One revealing item shows up when comparing the number of single-family homes sold in 2019 vs 2020.  In the price range from $1 million to $2.5 million total sales for single family homes made up 68% of all sales in 2019 but jumped to 71% in 2020.

73% of condos/TIC sales were in the range from $800k to $1.5 million in 2020, virtually unchanged from 72% in 2019.  Another 14.5% showed up in the $500k-$799k range in both 2020 and 2019.

The full reports are available at our blog:

Or the individual reports:

Bi-weekly Market Watch

San Francisco Sales by Price Range