Although we had some rain during the past two weeks, we are now in the midst of a weeklong sunny and warm spell.
The San Francisco residential real estate market continues to add substantial numbers of new inventory. In the last 14 day tracking period single family home inventory was increased by 74% over the same period in 2020. 81 homes vs 161. Condos/TICs had a 93% increase going from 161 to 311.
In 2021 the first four 14-day reporting periods had single family homes increasing by 23%, 380 to 468 compared to the same four reporting periods in 2020. Condos/TICs had a 16% increase: 673 vs 783.
Additional information, during 2020 the average number of single family homes that sold each month was 205. The number of condos/TICs was 241.
The number of price reductions of single family homes dropped compared to the prior period: 23 vs 11 which is essentially the same as the same period a year ago. Price reductions of condos remained high but virtually unchanged compared to the prior week: 57 vs 60. During the same period last year there were 23 price reductions.
The full report can be seen at our website: