Monday, February 25, 2019

Number of Homes For Sale Up Compared To Last Year

We track the number of active listings on the market in San Francisco once a month, usually on the 8th.  Early in February, the number of active listings was significantly higher than a year ago (355 vs 255).

We also track five configurations of single family homes and condos.  The increase in active listings was seen in each of those five configurations.

The number of active listings was at its highest since 2013.

* Survey is usually done within 7 or 8 days after the beginning of the month.
** These five configurations represent approximately 60% of residential real estate sales in San Francisco.

New Listing Watch - Fewer Than Two Weeks Ago

The number of new listings during the past two weeks is down compared to the prior two week period (242 vs 264).  The drop was entirely in the single family home category (81 vs 108).  In contrast the number of new listings of condos increased slightly (161 vs 156).

Compared to the same period last year the number of new listings is also down (242 vs 283).  Again the difference is almost entirely in the single family home sector (81 vs 113).

The number of new single family home listings that went into contract in the same two week period is down compared to the prior two week period is down (9 vs 14) but up for condos (29 vs 18).

Price reductions are slightly higher compared to the prior period (38 vs 34) and higher than last year (38 vs 28).

The full report is available at our web site.